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Kathye Armitage


Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency

Board of Directors

* Mother
* Community leader
  * Current Board Member
 * Public Health Professional
        * Educated in Sustainability & Water Systems     


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Who you choose to represent you in making choices about our water matters.

The choices made by the Board of Directors of SCV Water impact:

  • the quality of your water;

  • how much you pay; and

  • how our environment is impacted.

A strong voice for clean, affordable, and sustainable water. 

Kathye was elected to serve on the Board of Directors in 2020 and has been honored to represent her neighbors and fellow community members in that role since.


She brings to that role her experience and knowledge from the fields of:

  • public health

  • natural resource sustainability, and

  • water systems technology.

Kathye is also committed to ensuring the public is involved in discussions.​

An image of Kathye Armitage at the Santa Clarita Valley Water Board


All residents and businesses of the Santa Clarita Valley should have confidence that their water is clean and safe to drink and use. 

Kathye has:

  • requested more frequent testing of water in the wells near Chiquita Canyon Landfill;

  • supported the requests of community groups for additional monitoring wells between the Chiquita Canyon Landfill and the Santa Clara River;

  • supported prioritizing projects that clean up contaminants during budget discussions; and

  • supported the widespread sharing of SCV Water's annual water quality report so the community can understand how to read it and know that their water is safe to drink.

All residents and businesses of the Santa Clarita Valley should have affordable water service with reasonable collection policies.

Kathye has supported:

  • efforts related to SCV Water getting reimbursed for costs related to removal of contaminants;

  • maximizing grant funding opportunities since more grant funds mean less costs to ratepayers; and

  • the pilot Ratepayer Assistance Program created for low-income seniors, Veterans, and permanently disabled.


The youth of Santa Clarita should have confidence that the decision-makers in their community are making decisions now to mitigate the anticipated effects of climate change so that their generation and subsequent generations can enjoy sustainable sources of water, along with other plentiful natural resources.

Kathye has:

  • supported SCV Water's new Sustainability Plan;

  • supported having a separate and focused goal on Environmental Stewardship in the Strategic Plan; and

  • supported gaining a better understanding of groundwater storage capabilities in our own valley;​

  • advocated for exempting trees from watering restrictions;

  • encouraged greater attention to regulations related to water efficiency of newly installed landscaping in newly built areas;

  • encouraged the use of native vegetation to promote water conservation and biodiversity;

  • supported efforts to remove invasive Arundo from the Santa Clara riverbed as a nature-based solution to conserving water; and

  • taken a semester-long class on the "California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) & Sustainable Development" to gain a greater understanding of decisions related to CEQA.


The residents and businesses of Santa Clarita Valley should expect that SCV Water has a regularly updated formal plan in place that considers anticipated events that could disrupt water service, ways to mitigate disruption with actions that can be taken now, and plans to deal with disruption should they still occur.

Kathye has:

  • supported efforts to create formal and practiced disaster preparedness and emergency management plans; and

  • supported continued management and updating of cybersecurity and physical security of agency facilities.


All residents of Santa Clarita Valley should have the opportunity to participate in public meetings by the Water Agency and be a part of the discussion. Customers and ratepayers interested in knowing the business of the Water Agency should be able to understand what decisions are made by the Board and how they impact them.

Kathye firmly advocated for:

  • the creation of hybrid meetings so that members of the public can participate in meetings in person or remotely; 

  • recording all public meetings, including committee meetings, so that public can listen anytime; and

  • the SCV Water Academy, which is a multi-session educational experience for residents to learn more about the work of SCV Water.

A map of the electoral divisions of Santa Clarita Valley

Kathye will be on the ballot for voters in the
Third Electoral Division.

Contribute online here

Banner with the text "Re-Elect Kathye Armitage for SCV Water Board

 If you prefer to send a check,

please write the check to:

Armitage for SCV Water Director 2024

and mail to:

23890 Copper Hill Drive #107

Valencia CA 91354

 Paid for by Armitage for SCV Water Director 2024 FPPC# 1426236


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